Thomas & Piron is certified «Passivhaus Handwerker»
Passive house craftsman
This certification was developed by the renowned "Passivhaus Institut" to provide training in all passive techniques and concepts for the various building trades. A list of certified companies can be found on the institute's website.
The introduction of a certificate of this type by the Passivhaus Institut was prompted by European Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings. This directive requires all new buildings to be close to "zero energy" by 2020. In Luxembourg, all new residential buildings will have to meet the "passive" standard (class AAA) by 2017 at the latest.
The PassivHaus Institut
Located in Darmstadt, Germany, this independent institute was founded in 1990 following the design of the first demonstration passive house to achieve a record low energy consumption.
Since then, the Passivhaus Institut has become a European leader in the research and development of building concepts for passive houses, offices, flats and commercial buildings. The institute is also behind the passive certification of the various components of modern buildings (doors, windows, insulation, ventilation, etc.).
The Passivhaus Institut has also developed reference algorithms and software that have served as the basis for new energy legislation in every European country, including the famous Certificat de Performance Energétique (CPE) in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Thomas & Piron's investment in and responsibility for this Certificate
On the strength of its experience in the construction sector, and more specifically in the construction of passive houses, passive flats and passive professional buildings, Thomas & Piron is committed to improving and developing its construction techniques.
Mr Pasquasy Francis, the reference technical manager for passive buildings in the Grand Duchy, who has recently attended specific training courses run by the Passivhaus Institut, takes part in the design of all passive and low-energy projects in collaboration with the design offices.
Thomas & Piron is also committed to a policy of vertical integration, ensuring that all site workers and technicians receive training at a training and skills centre that is unique in Europe. A technical training room in Strassen also provides clear, practical information for all our customers.

Thomas & Piron's Tomwood concept has been awarded the "Sustainable Construction" label
Tomwood: Sustainable Concept
Studied, adapted and perfected over several years, and with 180 houses built to date, the Tomwood construction concept is in line with sustainability criteria.
As of 1 January 2017, all new applications for planning permission will be eligible for the new state grants following PRIMe House 2017. In addition to renewed support for the installation of solar panels, pellet boilers or geothermal energy, it is the premium for the creation of sustainable housing that is now attracting the interest of would-be builders. For a 150 m2 house, €24,000 will be paid to the buyer if the sustainability criteria set out in the new regulations are met.
Briefly, the criteria that determine the sustainability of a home are :
- The ecological criterion, including the environmental assessment of building materials.
- The quality of the building and its technical installations (dismantling capacity, acoustic performance, thermography study, air tightness, waste management, etc.).
- The functionality of the building (accessibility, ventilation, parking, etc.).
At the request of future homeowners, TomWood's partner design offices will use the calculation method provided by the Lenoz certificate to complete and comply with the list of minimum criteria imposed by PRIMe House 2017.
Visit and discover the comfort of our Tomwood show home in Senningerberg (Niederhanven) L-1646, rue du Gruenewald n° 12.
Contact one of our advisers for more information about Tomwood and our development sites.

Thomas & Piron has the label «Energie fir d’Zukunft+»
This label was created by the Chambre des Métiers du Grand Duché de Luxembourg in 2012. This certification enables customers and future builders to identify construction companies that have acquired specific skills in the construction and renovation of very high energy performance homes.
The introduction of a label of this type by the country's authorities was prompted by European Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings. This directive requires all new buildings to be close to 'zero energy' by 2020. In Luxembourg, all new residential buildings will have to meet the 'passive' standard (class AAA) by 2017 at the latest.
Thomas & Piron's investment in and responsibility for this Label
Thomas & Piron has a wealth of experience in the construction sector, particularly in the construction of passive houses, passive flats and passive professional buildings, and is committed to improving and developing its construction techniques.
Mr Pasquasy Francis, the reference technical manager for passive buildings in the Grand Duchy, who has recently attended specific training courses run by the Chamber of Trades, is involved in the design of all passive and low-energy projects in collaboration with the design offices.
Thomas & Piron is also committed to a policy of vertical integration, ensuring that all site workers and technicians are trained at a training and skills centre that is unique in Europe. A technical training room in Strassen also provides clear, practical information for all our customers.